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From today, you can now download a client listing report from My Resolution Life with more information than before. 

Your client listing report will now have all the following information (the new information you can now get from the client listing report is in bold and green):

Policy details, including:

  • Policy number
  • Start date
  • Product name
  • Insurance benefit start date and end date
  • Risk benefit type
  • Sum insured
  • Injury or sickness benefit period
  • Claim indicator i.e. if the customer has claimed or not
  • If indexation is applied

Premium details, including:

  • Annual policy premium
  • Premium structure type
  • Payment method and frequency

Policy owner details, including:

  • First name and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Contact details, such as email address and mobile number
  • Occupation category

And other information such as:

  • Ongoing commission %, commission type and amount
  • Adviser name, owner number and sales number

With the above details now in one report, our aim is to help you save time by not needing to refer to different sources of information. Whilst, at all times we try to maintain the quality and quantity, there may be gaps in the full coverage of data in the report.  We apologise for any inconvenience and please be assured that we are continuing to enhance this report and further support you and your business. 

How to access the client listing report

  • Log in to My Resolution Life
  • From the Customer Search screen on the home dashboard, select Download full customer list.

You can always find the above instructions in our how-to-guide.

Important information

Any advice and information on this website is general in nature and is provided by Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life), which is part of the Resolution Life Group. Resolution Life can be contacted on 133 731 or via the contact us page. The advice does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting on the advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to those matters as well as the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS) or policy document, available from Resolution Life at resolutionlife.com.au or by calling 133 731, before making a decision about the product. Consider speaking to a financial adviser if you have any concerns.

If you decide to purchase or vary a financial product, Resolution Life and/or other companies within the Resolution Life Group will receive fees and other benefits, which will be a dollar amount or a percentage of either the premium they pay or the value of their investments. You can ask us for more details.