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What is this product about?

An annuity is a low-risk investment product that guarantees a regular income, either for a fixed term or for life.

Who can invest in annuities?

Guaranteed Annuities Lifestream Guaranteed Income are generally suitable for: 

Investors seeking:

  • a secure guaranteed income in retirement.
  • a conservative/low risk investment that provides guaranteed regular payments.
  • certainty in estate planning.
  • to maximise social security entitlements. 

Australian companies, trusts and super funds seeking:

  • a guaranteed, regular source of income.

Resolution Life has prepared a Target Market Determination which describes the class of consumers that comprise the target market for this product. The Target Market Determination can be sourced at Target Market Determinations - Resolution Life

Fixed term annuity rates
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Call 133 731

Key benefits of an annuity



  • Annuity payments aren’t affected by share market movements or interest rate fluctuations.


  • The option for clients to choose their preferred investment term and if they want regular payments to be made monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Protection against inflation

  • Long Term annuities can provide regular payments that increase annually in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Tax Benefits

  • Tax-free regular payments for people over 60 who invest with money from their super (see PDS for full details).
  • Tax offsets for some people aged between preservation age and 60 who invest with money from their super.


  • At the end of the investment term your clients can access some or all of their initial capital investment.

Social security interaction

  • Fixed term annuities may be assessed beneficially for asset and income tests based on personal circumstances (see PDS for full details).

Our difference

Resolution Life delivers secure returns by investing in a diversified portfolio of securities and holds capital in excess of regulatory requirements.

How to invest


Read this PDS

We recommend that you read this PDS carefully and contact your dedicated Retirement BDM if you have any questions.



Get a quote

  • For information on bonus rates please contact your dedicated Retirement BDM.
  • All quotes need to be obtained through MyQuote. For access to MyQuote, please visit My Resolution Life. 
  • Login to My Resolution Life


Send us your quote and completed application forms/s

For the Application form to be completed by individuals (Part A), you can submit electronically via MyApply through the My Resolution Life portal.

Please send your application form, cheque or direct deposit receipt, certified ID, Tax File Number declaration form and Withholding declaration form (if applicable) and valid quote to:

Resolution Life
Guaranteed Annuities
GPO Box 3306
Sydney NSW 2001.

or scan and email forms to:

Guaranteed Annuities forms and documents


Our Lifestream Guaranteed Income annuity has won the following awards:

  • 2022 Plan for Life Tools & Calculators
  • 2021 Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) Short Term Income Stream Award
  • 2021 AFA Annuity Innovation Award 
  • 2021 and 2020 Plan for Life Longevity Product - Term & RCV Award
  • 2020 AFA Short Term Income Stream Award
  • 2019 Plan for Life Longevity Product – Multiple Annuity Portfolio Award

What you need to know

Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life) is the issuer of the Guaranteed Annuities Lifestream Guaranteed Income.

Any advice on this website is provided by Resolution Life, and is general advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs, as well as the Guaranteed Annuities Lifestream Guaranteed Income Product Disclosure Statement and Policy document, available from Resolution Life at resolutionlife.com.au/annuities or by calling 133 731, before making a decision on whether to acquire, or continue to hold, the product.  

Any guarantee offered in this product is only provided by Resolution Life. 

The Target Market Determinations (TMDs) for our financial products (where applicable) can be found at Target Market Determinations - Resolution Life. The TMDs describe the key features and attributes of an applicable product that affect whether it is likely to be consistent with the objectives, financial situation and needs of consumers in the target market.

Resolution Life is part of the Resolution Life Group and can be contacted via resolutionlife.com.au/contact-us or by calling the phone number mentioned above.