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Have you had a chance to use the Authority to release form yet?

In the November issue of Adviser Connect, we introduced a new online form called Authority to release information. This easy-to-use webform allows you to have your Third-Party Authority (TPA) added to your client’s account within 3 – 5 business days.  

This form is user-friendly and provides a quick and secure way to obtain information about your client’s accounts (except for SMSF and company-owned accounts/policies), given that their details are supplied on the form.

Once the authority has been added to your client’s account, an email confirmation of this TPA will be sent to your client.  

Just a reminder, that this TPA is only valid for 12 months from the date the request is submitted (unless revoked earlier by your client). 

Premium calculation tool update

The My Resolution Life portal has introduced a new feature within the premium calculation tool for customers who hold an Elevate Insurance or Resolution Life insurance policy with us.

This feature allows you to remove the CPI on current policies for one year from the last anniversary when generating a quote. This feature is only available for policies that have been renewed within the past 6 months. Please note, you need to select the Decrease option in the landing/pop-up page.

At the moment, this feature cannot be used with a decrease quote or Income Protection (IP) alterations.

Don't Become a Victim: Why Unique Passwords are Essential

Are you unknowingly handing cybercriminals the keys to your business & online life?

Since the beginning of 2024, a surge in account take-overs and fraudulent online orders has plagued Australian online businesses and retailers like The Iconic, Bunnings and many others. While news outlets often cite "credential stuffing" as the cause, many underestimate the alarming simplicity of this type of cyber-attack. 

Let's break down this alarming trend and how to protect yourself:

The Password Re-Use Problem

Credential stuffing doesn't involve sophisticated hacking at all. It's shockingly simple. 

Criminals know that many people reuse the same passwords across multiple services or websites. When your password for one site gets leaked in a data breach, it could potentially unlock all your other accounts that use the same password. 

How Criminals Get Your Passwords

Massive lists of stolen usernames and passwords are bought and sold on the dark web for just a few dollars. Each list comes from previous data breaches, meaning your details might already be out there without you even knowing.

25 Million Australian Details For Sale On The Dark Web

A very recent example of the ease in which hackers can obtain and share large data sets of stolen credentials is from Australia Day 2024, where a Russian hacker known as “Jasperoliverx” posted on a popular Dark Web hacking forum that they had the details of a whopping 25 million Australians for sale: 

Australia Consumer Optimised 25 million Leads” the post said. 

The list included legitimate emails addresses and passwords. Almost every email address in the list has been shared online multiple times as part of multiple previous breaches and datasets.

Unfortunately, your details are probably already out there in one of those batches right now without you knowing it. But don't worry - we'll explain what you can do to protect yourself. 

The Dangerous Fallout of Re-Used Passwords

Imagine one reused password giving criminals access to your email, banking, financial accounts, social media, and more. 

It's not just about fraudulent purchases; you could face full-blown identity theft. This kind of situation can be very traumatic and can take a long time to resolve and recover from.

Protect Yourself & Your Clients – Solutions You Can Use

•    Your Password Vault: Use a password manager like 1Password, Dashlane or Proton Pass. These tools make it easy to generate and store strong, unique passwords for every account you have.

•    Double the Protection: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible. This way, even if your password is leaked, criminals would also need a code from your phone or authenticator application to get in.

•    Email Aliases (Tech Tip): If you're tech-savvy, consider using “email aliases” to level up your online security & privacy. They let you create unique, forwarding email addresses for each website or service you sign up for.  This masks your real email address, and helps you track where spam or potential data breaches might be coming from.  Some password managers (Proton Pass) and email providers like Apple iCloud offer this email alias feature.

Take Action Now

•    Check for Your Credentials: See if any of your old passwords have been compromised on https://haveibeenpwned.com

•    Reset Exposed Credentials: For any exposed accounts, ensure you reset the password to a new unique password, and never used the exposed password ever again. 
Don't wait until it's too late. Strengthen your online security today!

What you need to know

Any advice on this website is provided by Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life), and is general advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs, as well as the relevant product disclosure statement and/or policy document, available from Resolution Life at resolutionlife.com.au or by calling 133 731, before making a decision on whether to acquire, or continue to hold, the product. 

The Target Market Determinations (TMDs) for our financial products (where applicable) can be found at Target Market Determinations (TMDs). The TMDs describe the key features and attributes of an applicable product that affect whether it is likely to be consistent with the objectives, financial situation and needs of consumers in the target market.

Resolution Life is part of the Resolution Life Group and can be contacted via contact us or by calling the phone number mentioned above.