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As one of Australia's leading life insurance specialists, we've got plenty of experience creating the sort of cover that your clients want and need. Cover that's affordable yet flexible, and able to adapt when things change.

•   Premium and Cover Pause Benefit: This benefit allows your clients to suspend all benefits under your policy and premiums associated with them for 3, 6 or 12 months.
•   Terminal illness benefit: We pay Life insurance sum insured if the insured person is diagnosed with a terminal illness and has less than 12 months to live. On payment of the Terminal illness benefit, the Life benefit will cease.
•   Automatic Inflation Benefit: Your clients monthly benefit is automatically increased by greater of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or 5% unless you advise us you don’t want this increase. Update stepped premium to “variable-age stepped premium”.
•   Advancement of Funeral Expenses Benefit: We’ll advance up to $20,000 of the sum insured on receipt of the death certificate (or other evidence). Not available if your life insurance is through superannuation.
•   Future Insurability Benefit: Your clients can increase the sum insured for specific life events without having to provide health evidence.
•   Accommodation Benefit: If we’ve paid the Terminal Illness Benefit and your client is confined to bed and require a family member to stay with you, we’ll pay up to $250 per day for up to 14 days to help with accommodation costs. Not available if your life insurance is through superannuation.
•   Financial Planning Benefit: We’ll reimburse up to $2,000 for the cost of financial planning advice received within 12 months of us paying the sum insured. Not available if your life insurance is through superannuation. 
•   Variable age-stepped premiums:  Variable age stepped premiums (formerly referred to as stepped premiums) change every year on the plan extension date according to your clients’ age. Generally, premiums increase as you get older. This is in addition to premium changes due to any increase in the sum insured, including increases under the Automatic inflation Benefit.

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