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Product details and features

The Guaranteed Super Account (GSA) is open to existing members of the National Mutual Retirement Fund (NMRF) to invest their superannuation.

The GSA is a simple super product designed to support eligible members seeking capital security for their super. Some of the key product features include:

  • GSA is a capital guaranteed product, making it suitable for members seeking capital security for their super. The investment returns cannot be negative.
  •  No administration fees are charged directly to the account, which means the balance cannot be reduced by deducting fees.
  •  Member, Spouse, SG, Salary Sacrifice and Government co-contributions can be accepted and multiple employers can contribute.
  •  Offers a single crediting rate investment option – crediting rates vary based on the size of your account balance.
  •  Ongoing advice fees cannot be charged.
  •  Insurance cover is not available.

For all features please read the Product Disclosure Statement and Fact Sheet*.

  • For any information relating to the GSA PDS and Fact sheet that is considered not materially adverse, it will be updated on this page. Please read in relation to the PDS and Fact sheet.
  • The Target Market Determination for this product can be found here.
  • Read our Financial Services Guide and Privacy Collection Statement.

How to apply

The GSA is open to existing members of NMRF to invest their superannuation. A list of NMRF products can be found here.

You can apply using our online application form or download and complete the paper application form. This can be emailed to askus@resolutionlife.com.au or post to Resolution Life, GPO Box 5441, Sydney NSW 2001.

If you need assistance or have any questions:

  • Contact us online
  • Contact your financial adviser.

Entity/Fund information

Entity/Fund informationDetails
Entity/Fund nameNational Mutual Retirement Fund
Australian business number (ABN)76 746 741 299
Registrable superannuation entity (RSE)R1056310
Superannuation fund number (SFN)138 295 940
Superannuation product identification number (SPIN)/
Unique superannuation identifier (USI)

Investment report

Download the latest investment report

For more information about the Standard Risk Measure, click here.

Fees & costs

Please refer to the 'Fees and costs summary' in the GSA PDS for the current fees and costs.

Employer contributions

To choose the GSA for your employer contributions, you will need to provide your employer with a letter of compliance and a choice of fund form.

Policy Committee

A Policy Committee is only available to Members of employer-sponsored plans.

Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS Act), super fund employer sponsored plans with 50 or more members (employees) should establish a policy committee. 

What is a policy committee?

A policy committee has employer and member representatives from a plan whose role is to provide an avenue for members of the plan to inquire about the investment strategy, performance and operation of the plan and for the Trustee to obtain the views of members on these issues as well as their information needs.  The policy committee may also assist the Trustee in dealing with any enquiries or complaints about the operation or management of the plan.

A policy committee is required by law to meet at least once a year. The minutes of all meetings must be recorded and sent to Resolution Life, who will hold these for the Trustee.

When does your plan need a policy committee?

By law a Policy Committee should be set up where:

  • an employer plan has 50 or more members, or
  • an employer plan has at least six, but less than 50 members and the Trustee has received a written request to do so on behalf of at least five of those members;
  • and the employer has made one or multiple contributions for its members.

How to set up a policy committee?

There must be equal numbers of employer and member representatives on the policy committee.

Employer representatives are appointed or removed by the employer. Employer representatives can also be removed as a result of specific events under superannuation law.

Member representatives are generally elected and removed by members except when they are removed as a result of specific events under superannuation law (for example, when a member representative resigns from their appointment as a member representative).

To set up a policy committee please read the How to set up a policy committee guide. The guide will provide you with information on how to establish a policy committee, run the elections and hold policy committees.

Once the policy committee has been established, please complete the Notification of Policy Committee details form to provide the policy committee representatives and return it to us.

My plan already has a policy committee set up, what do I need to do?

Details of the policy committee arrangements (if any) for your plan are shown on your annual member statement, please refer to the section ‘Other plan details’.

By law a policy committee must hold a meeting every 12 months and may hold additional meetings more frequently should that be required however, the legislation requires one meeting to be held annually.

Minutes of the annual meeting need to be taken during the meeting. A copy of the minutes needs to be signed by the Chairman and sent to Resolution Life, who will hold these for the Trustee.

If your plan changes, please notify us immediately and we will update your plan.

For more details of the policy committee arrangements (if any) for the plan, please contact us.

What you need to know

Any advice on this website is provided by Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life), and is general advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs, as well as the relevant product disclosure statement and/or policy document, available from Resolution Life at resolutionlife.com.au or by calling 133 731, before making a decision on whether to acquire, or continue to hold, the product. 

The Target Market Determinations (TMDs) for our financial products (where applicable) can be found at Target Market Determinations (TMDs). The TMDs describe the key features and attributes of an applicable product that affect whether it is likely to be consistent with the objectives, financial situation and needs of consumers in the target market.

Resolution Life is part of the Resolution Life Group and can be contacted via contact us or by calling the phone number mentioned above.