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Product disclosure statement updates

We may update the information in our product disclosure statements (PDS) from time to time. Information that is not materially adverse is provided on this page. If the change in information is materially adverse, we will notify you.

You may request an electronic or paper copy of any updated information from us at any time. Contact us or speak with your financial adviser.

Elevate Insurance

December 2024: Updated Elevate PDS

January 2023: Plan fees

The plan fee pays for setting up and administering your insurance plan. Plan fees increase each year (usually around January) in line with increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Any increase in plan fees will be applied to your plan from your plan anniversary date (also referred to as the plan ‘extension date’). Refer to the table below for Elevate Insurance fees as at January 2023.

Elevate insurance fees

If you’d like to know more about the plan fees applying to your insurance cover, please refer to the Elevate PDS or to your insurance schedule. You may also contact us or speak with your financial adviser.

December 2022: Updated medical definitions

Investment Growth Bond

December 2024: Updated Investment Growth Bond PDS

Guaranteed Super Account 

December 2024: Changes to the Investment fees and costs, Transaction costs and to how to make contributions to the Guaranteed Super Account.

The tables below refer to the relevant sections of the Guaranteed Super Account (GSA)Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Fact Sheet and previous PDS updates where the indirect costs, investment fees and costs, the Transaction costs and how to make contributions for GSA, have been updated (everything else in the PDS, Fact Sheet and the previous PDS updates remains the same):

Fees and costs section

On page 4 and 5 of the Guaranteed Super Account (GSA) PDS, the Investment fees and costs has increased from 0.70% pa to 0.72% pa and the Transaction costs has reduced from 0.13% pa to 0.02% pa.

Please read the following information in relation to the Fees and costs section and refer to the table for the updated fees (%).

Page 4, Fees and costs summary table: 

Guaranteed Super Account

Type of fees or costs


How and when paid

Ongoing annual fees and costs (i)



Administration fees and costs

Account Balances ($)     %pa

0–9,999.99                        1.15

10,000–49,999.99             0.73

50,000+                             0.50

The administration fee is reflected in the crediting rates, which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. 

This administration fee is not deducted directly from your account.

Investment fees and costs (ii)

Investment fees and costs estimated to be 0.72% pa

These investment fees and costs are reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. They are not deducted directly from your account. This amount is an estimate and may be more or less than shown.

Transaction costs

Estimated to be 0.02% pa

These transaction costs are reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. They are not deducted directly from your account. This amount is an estimate and may be more or less than shown.

Member activity related fees and costs

Buy-sell spread


Not applicable

Switching fee


Not applicable

Other fees and costs


Not applicable

(i) If your account balance for GSA is less than $6,000 at the end of the Fund’s income year, certain fees and costs charged to you in relation to administration and investment are capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.
(ii) Investment fees and costs includes an amount of 0.00% for performance fees. The calculation basis for this amount is set out under the additional explanation of fees and costs in the fact sheet. 

Page 5, Example of annual fees and costs for GSA table: 

Example - GSA


Balance of $50,000

Administration fees

and costs (i)

0.50% pa

For every $50,000 you have in the super product, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $250 in administration fees and costs.

Plus Investment

fees and costs

0.72% pa

And, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $360 in investment fees and costs

Plus Transaction


0.02% pa

And, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $10 in transaction costs

Equals Cost of product (ii)


If your balance was $50,000 at the beginning of

the year, then for that year, you will be charged fees and costs of $620 for the super product.

Additional fees may apply.  
(i) The administration fee is charged in different tiers which varies depending on your account balance. For account balances less than $50,000, the administration fee will be higher. 
(ii) This example is illustrative only. Actual fees and costs will depend on your account balance.

On page 6 the Guaranteed Super Account (GSA) Fact Sheet, payment methods that once included BPAY biller codes for Superannuation Guarantee and Award contributions, Salary sacrifice and additional employer contributions have been removed. All employers must use a SuperStream compliant payment method.

Please read the following information in relation to ‘How to make contributions’ section and refer to the information below for the updated section.

Page 6, How to make contributions section: 

You or your spouse can make contributions using the following payment method:

Method of payment


BPAY® (Reference details will be provided in your Welcome Pack and are also accessible via My Resolution Life Portal)

You can use BPAY to make a payment at any time.


BPAY biller code:


  • Member contributions: 6528

®Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

Note: Under Australian superannuation, all employers must use a SuperStream compliant payment method to make Superannuation Guarantee (SG) employer contributions. For more information, please visit ato.gov.au.

August 2024: Reductions to administration fees for GSA

August 2024: Reductions to administration fees for GSA 

Fees and costs section

On page 4 and 5 of the Guaranteed Super Account (GSA) PDS, the administration fees and costs have been reduced by 0.12% per annum for account balances of $10,000 or more. Please read the following information in relation to the Fees and costs section and refer to the table for the updated fees (%).

The tables below refer to the relevant sections of the GSA PDS and previous PDS updates where the administration fees and costs have been updated (everything else in the PDS, previous PDS updates and Fact Sheet remains the same):

Page 4, Fees and costs summary table: 

Guaranteed Super Account

Type of fees or costs


How and when paid

Ongoing annual fees and costs (i)



Administration fees and costs

Account Balances ($)     %pa

0–9,999.99                       1.15

10,000–49,999.99           0.73

50,000+                             0.50

The administration fee is reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. It is not deducted directly from your account.

Investment fees and costs (ii)

Investment fees and costs estimated to be 0.70% pa

These investment fees and costs are reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. They are not deducted directly from your account. This amount is an estimate and may be more or less than shown.

Transaction costs

Estimated to be 0.13% pa

These transaction costs are reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. They are not deducted directly from your account. This amount is an estimate and may be more or less than shown.

Member activity related fees and costs

Buy-sell spread


Not applicable

Switching fee


Not applicable

Other fees and costs


Not applicable

(i) If your account balance for GSA is less than $6,000 at the end of the Fund’s income year, certain fees and costs charged to you in relation to administration and investment are capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.
(ii) Investment fees and costs includes an amount of 0.00% for performance fees. The calculation basis for this amount is set out under the additional explanation of fees and costs in the fact sheet. 

Page 5, Example of annual fees and costs for GSA table: 

Example - GSA


Balance of $50,000

Administration fees

and costs (i)

0.50% pa

For every $50,000 you have in the super product, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $250 in administration fees and costs.

Plus Investment

fees and costs

0.70% pa

And, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $350 in investment fees and costs

Plus Transaction


0.13% pa

And, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $65 in transaction costs

Equals Cost of product (ii)


If your balance was $50,000 at the beginning of

the year, then for that year, you will be charged fees and costs of $665 for the super product.

*Additional fees may apply. 

(i) The administration fee is charged in different tiers which varies depending on your account balance. For account balances less than $50,000, the administration fee will be higher. 
(ii) This example is illustrative only. Actual fees and costs will depend on your account balance.

May 2024: Updates to estimated investment-related costs

Updates to estimated indirect investment-related costs for GSA investment option

Fees and costs section

On page 4 and 5 of the Guaranteed Super Account (GSA) PDS and page 19 of the GSA Fact Sheet, the indirect costs (investment fees and costs, and transaction costs) have been updated to reflect our latest estimates. Please read the following information in relation to the Fees and costs section and refer to the table for the updated costs (%).

Every year we update the estimated indirect costs for each of our investment options, based on the underlying costs incurred over the last financial year. These underlying costs are deducted from the underlying assets of the investment portfolios and are reflected in the investment option's crediting rate. There is no direct cost charged to the member.

We have updated the indirect investment-related costs for GSA based on the actual costs incurred in the last financial year (ending 30 June 2023).  Please refer to the table below for the updates to these costs:

Investment option

Prior estimated Investment fees and costs  

Updated estimated Investment fees and costs  

Guaranteed Super Account investment option



Prior estimated transactions costs  

Updated estimated transactions costs  



The tables below refer to the relevant sections of the GSA PDS and Fact sheet where the indirect investment-related costs have been updated (everything else in the PDS and Fact sheet remains the same):

Page 4, Fees and costs summary table: 

Guaranteed Super Account

Type of fees or costs


How and when paid

Ongoing annual fees and costs (i)



Administration fees and costs

Account Balances ($) %pa
0–9,999.99                 1.15
10,000–49,999.99      0.85
50,000+                      0.62

The administration fee is reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. It is not deducted directly from your account.

Investment fees and costs (ii)

Investment fees and costs estimated to be 0.70% pa

These investment fees and costs are reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. They are not deducted directly from your account. This amount is an estimate and may be more or less than shown.

Transaction costs

Estimated to be 0.13% pa

These transaction costs are reflected in the crediting rates which are set in advance and applied daily to your account balance. They are not deducted directly from your account. This amount is an estimate and may be more or less than shown.

Member activity related fees and costs

Buy-sell spread


Not applicable

Switching fee


Not applicable

Other fees and costs


Not applicable


(i) If your account balance for GSA is less than $6,000 at the end of the Fund’s income year, certain fees and costs charged to you in relation to administration and investment are capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.

(ii) Investment fees and costs includes an amount of 0.00% for performance fees. The calculation basis for this amount is set out under the additional explanation of fees and costs in the fact sheet.

Page 5, Example of annual fees and costs for GSA table: 

Example - GSA


Balance of $50,000

Administration fees

and costs (i)

0.62% pa

For every $50,000 you have in the super product, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $310 in administration fees and costs.

Plus Investment

fees and costs

0.70% pa

And, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $350 in investment fees and costs

Plus Transaction


0.13% pa

And, you will be charged or have deducted from your investment $65 in transaction costs

Equals Cost of product (ii)


If your balance was $50,000 at the beginning of

the year, then for that year, you will be charged fees and costs of $725 for the super product.

*Additional fees may apply. 
(i) The administration fee is charged in different tiers which varies depending on your account balance. For account balances less than $50,000, the administration fee will be higher. 
(ii) This example is illustrative only. Actual fees and costs will depend on your account balance.

Page 19, Fees and costs: Additional explanation of fees and costs section: 

Other investment fees and costs 
Other investment fees and costs are estimated to be 0.70% pa. Past investment fees and costs are not a reliable indicator of future investment fees and costs.

Transactional costs 
The net transaction costs (as disclosed in the PDS) of 0.13% pa are deducted from the underlying assets and are an additional cost to you. These are reflected in the calculation of crediting rates.


December 2024: PensionSelect SPDS

We're here to help

If you have any questions about your product:

What you need to know

Any advice on this website is provided by Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life), and is general advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs, as well as the relevant product disclosure statement and/or policy document, available from Resolution Life at resolutionlife.com.au or by calling 133 731, before making a decision on whether to acquire, or continue to hold, the product. 

The Target Market Determinations (TMDs) for our financial products (where applicable) can be found at Target Market Determinations (TMDs). The TMDs describe the key features and attributes of an applicable product that affect whether it is likely to be consistent with the objectives, financial situation and needs of consumers in the target market.

Resolution Life is part of the Resolution Life Group and can be contacted via contact us or by calling the phone number mentioned above.